Activities 2007

19-20 January 2007
IAMIC Winter Meeting - Nice

Annual winter meeting of the IAMIC
International Association of Music Information Centres

21-25 January 2007
MIDEM 2007 - Cannes

The Luxembourg Music Information Centre at the MIDEM 2007
The Luxembourg Music Information Centre has published new works by Luxembourg composers.

Jeannot HEINEN

Polarisation pour grand orchestre (1973/74)


Le dernier jugement (1960)


Trois Èlégies pour orchestre à cordes (1945)


Concertino pour piano et orchestre (1954)


Spleen for string quartet (1968)


Spleen pour orchestre symphonique (1968)


Spleen pour orchestre à cordes (1968)


Summer evening (1942)

Scores and orchestral materials are available for sale from the Luxembourg Music Information Centre, for further information please contact:

New release

Chamber Music

World Première Recordings by the Luxembourg composer Pierre Even

Pierre Even


Trois Tangos pour piano op. 33
« Tango melancólica »

Pierre Even


Neuf charactères pour violoncelle et piano op. 29
No IX L’empressé
No VII Le patriote

Pierre Even


Sonate für Violoncello und Klavier op. 28

Kristi Becker piano
Susanne Duch piano
Stephan Breith cello

Published by: (LC12257)

New release

Experiments on a MARCH

World Première Recording by Marcel Wengler

Marcel Wengler


Versuche über einen Marsch

and works by Charles Ives, Henry Purcell, Mauricio Kagel, Richard Wagner, Anton Bruckner, Kurt Weill

Royal Nothern College of Music Wind Orchestra
Conductor: Clark Rundell

Published by CHANDOS Records Ltd.        (Chan 10367)

23 March 2007

Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall


Hong Kong Arts Festival

“The Music about China concert will delight with music by some of the most innovative composers today.”


Marcel Wengler The Magic Boat
commissioned by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Conductor: Yan Huichang
Soloists: Tang Junqiao Dizi and Guo Yazhi Suona







Han Lankui


Facets of the Silk Road

Cheng Dazhao


Impressions of Yungang

Marcel Wengler


The Magic Boat

Zhu Jianer


A Sorrowful Tune

Tang Jianping


The Song of Flight

Wen Deqing


Traces IV

May 2007

Luxembourg And Greater Region
European Capital of Culture 2007

Concert tour of the Luxembourg Sinfonietta featuring 8 world-premières

Four regions of the cultural capital have each commissioned two composers to create a piece of music with a score for orchestra and solo instruments or for solo voices and small ensemble. After a period of rehearsals the eight pieces will be performed in each of the participating regions. The Luxembourg Sinfonietta has been selected to perform the works, thus giving the composers and the young soloists a chance to become better known in the Greater Region.

2 May            

Mainz – Frankfurter Hof


3 May            

Metz  – Arsenal

4 May          

Saarbrücken – Hochschule für Musik

5 May            

Philharmonie Luxembourg


Luxembourg Sinfonietta


Inci Yakar piano

Maurizio Spiridigliozzi accordion

Conductor: Marcel Wengler



William Attwood


En Frente

Jürgen Blume


François Bousch



Natalya Chepelyuk



Arne Gieshoff



Luc Rollinger



Benoît Stasiaczyk



Marcel Wengler


The Bad Doctors

In cooperation with
Johannes-Gutenberg Universität – Hochschule für Musik Mainz
CEFEDEM de Lorraine -  Arsenal Metz
Netzwerk Musik Saar
Hochschule für Musik des Saarlandes -  Saarländischer Rundfunk
Philharmonie Luxembourg
Supported by SACEM - Luxembourg

Ce projet est réalisé dans le cadre Luxembourg et Grande Région, Capitale européenne de la Culture 2007.

Reservation: Philharmonie Luxembourg  e-mail:

Luxembourg Sinfonietta mit zeitgenössischer Musik im Frankfurter Hof

Eine Gelegenheit, zeitgenössische Musik live zu erleben, bot die Luxembourg Sinfonietta in ihrer musikalischen Reise durch die Großregion Luxembourg, die auch als Kulturhauptstadt 2007 fungiert. Dank bestehender Beziehungen zwischen der Hochschule für Musik Mainz und der Hochschule für Musik-Saar war eine Kooperation mit dem Komponisten und Direktor der Luxemburger Gesellschaft für Neue Musik, Marcel Wengler, naheliegend: Dem Projekt „Grenzenlos“ stand nichts mehr im Wege. Die Werke „Polychromie“ von Jürgen Blume, Rektor der Hochschule für Musik Mainz, sowie „Nachtreise“ von Arne Gieshoff, ein noch nicht mal 20-jähriger Ausnahme-Komponist und Pianist, sind die rheinland-pfälzischen Beiträge, und sie können sich hören lassen. Die Arbeit des mehrfachen Preisträgers des Bundeswettbewerbs „Komposition“, ist geprägt von einem selbstbewussten Umgang mit der mittlerweile ja auch schon auf tradierte Formen zurückgreifende Gattung „zeitgenössische Musik“.....

Allgemeine Zeitung - Mainz


„Grenzenlos“ präsentierte acht Uraufführungen

Luxembourg Sinfonietta gastierte unter Dirigent Marcel Wengler im Frankfurter Hof

Wer schon einmal in Luxembourg war, hat es gemerkt: In der europäischen Kulturhauptstadt 2007 denkt man international. „Grenzenlos“ heißt auch das Programm, mit dem die Luxembourg Sinfonietta unter ihrem Gründer und Dirigenten Marcel Wengler im Frankfurter Hof gastierte. Das Programm ist international. „En Frente“ stammt von dem Engländer William Attwood, „e/statico“ von der Russin Natalya Chepelyuk. Beide studieren bei Theo Brandmüller an der Musikhochschule Saarbrücken. Und beide liefern eine faszinierende Studie über das Verhältnis von Statik und Bewegung.

Andreas Hauff – Rhein-Zeitung


Philharmonie Luxembourg

Comment résumer le spectacle concocté par Marcel Wengler dans le cadre de la Grande Région et où huit musiciens ont composé huit pièces plus originales les unes que les autres, créations mondiales données successivement à Mainz, Metz, Saarbrücken et pour finir à la Philharmonie à Luxembourg.

« Graoully », de François Bousch (Lorraine), fut entrepris avec une énergie dont Marcel Wengler a le secret et immerge d’emblée les auditeurs dans un bain d’inquiétude, le Graoully personnifiant un dragon, hantant les bourbiers de Metz il y a bien longtemps. Ce qui explique cette sensation d’oppression entretenue par les sifflements et autres bruits incongrus produits par les voix de certains musiciens pour se terminer en un feulement ultime. François Bousch, y a mis toute la dimension de son talent.

Avec « en frente », William Attwood (Grande Bretagne) décrit un monde chaotique, où tout se mélange jusqu’au moment où un ordre, expression d’un autoritarisme inquiétant, dominateur s’impose. Huit minutes de prouesse où le violoncelle meugle, l’accordéoniste et la grosse caisse explosent « con forza »… dans un point d’orgue par la grosse caisse le silence se fait.

Jürgen Blume (Allemagne) a mis à mettre chacun des instruments dans sa pièce intitulée « Polychromie » où il transmet des couleurs et redonne ainsi vie aux statues de marbre blanc aperçues dans la « Münchner Glyptothek ». Composition la plus mélodieuse, structurée, le thème principal étant repris par les différents instruments, aux colorations variées, jusqu’à la fugue finale. La direction précise, élégante de Marcel Wengler et ses musiciens font briller de tous leurs feux ce beau moment musical. Performance époustouflante du percussionniste.

L’œuvre, e/statico de Natalya Chepeluyk (Russie), est  un rondo pour piano et orchestre dont le motif principal est le tourment. L’élément statique est martelé jusqu’à l’extase par la jolie Turque Inci Yacar au clavier qui sait tirer le meilleur parti de cette partition où deux mains ne se touchent guère. Sorte d’incantation où se niche dans les accords scandés avec vigueur et régularité.

Arne Gieshof (Allemagne), nous propose la composition la plus abstraite et la plus bruyante, œuvre des contrastes et des extrêmes intitulée « Nachtreise »,  enchevêtrement de sentiments et de sensations engendrées, par des situations nocturnes vécues. Un déchaînement donc, adouci par une petite ajoute où l’on reconnaît un «zeste » d’une sonate pour piano de Schubert.

Notre compatriote Luc Rollinger, auteur de «Luggaldimmerankia», synthétise la Genèse qui aurait eu Babylone comme cadre, exprimant le bien et le mal se querellant jusqu’à ce que le bien l’emporte. L’accordéoniste y donne toute la mesure de son art secondé par le pianiste en verve et le reste de la phalange scandant le mot de l’imploration divine.

De Benoît Stasiaczyk (France), compositeur, jazzman, percussioniste, … « Wen », une réflexion musicale sur le sens des lettres et des mots, inspirée du chinois. Le langage utilisé ce soir est recherché, sensible, mêlant chants plus traditionnels, univers sonore asiatique, le tout très bien équilibré. Pour nous, une découverte de sophistiquée.

Pour conclure, une composition cocasse de Marcel Wengler, illustrant les « Bad doctors » de James Ensor (1892). Une grotesque parodie d’un acte chirurgical où tripes, boyaux, clystères, et autres bistouris se mêlent, puis, la faucheuse qui se tient dans un coin, prête à accomplir son funeste ouvrage... Tous ces « instruments » se donnent à cœur joie avec un gargarisme en toile de fond, les musiciens gémissants, Maurizio Spiridigliozzi, très convainquant dans ses vociférations, avec en plus, son accordéon sur le torse ! Tous ces brillants musiciens déguisés en autant d’esculapes, calotte en tête étaient pitoyables à souhait, Bob Morhard actionnant avec l’énergie du désespoir une pompe à vélo.

Suzanne Faber – Luxemburger Wort

Philharmonie Luxembourg
Photo: Sébastien Grébille

3 June 2007
Bern / Switzerland – Conservatory

Concert performance as part of the Festival “L’ART POUR L’AAR” given by the Luxembourg Sinfonietta featuring new works by composers from Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

Luxembourg Sinfonietta

Olivier Darbellay horn

Noëlle-Anne Darbellay violin

Conductor: Jean-Luc Darbellay




Roger Tessier


Ode and Epode
for solo horn

Pierre-Albert Castanet


for ensemble 

André Laporte


Invocazioni per la nascita d’un fiore di notte
for solo horn

Peter Swinnen


in memoriam György Ligeti

Marcel Wengler


Der Mord
selon le tableau homonyme de James Ensor

Jean-Luc Darbellay


Es war ein Kind, das wollte nie

Supported by the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Bern

26 May
3 June 2007
2007 Beijing Modern Music Festival

15 June 2007
Deadline for Entries:   International Composition Prize  2007

Composers of any age or nationality are invited to present new compositions for the ensemble Luxembourg Sinfonietta.

More information in German, French, Spanish and Japanese


20 June 2007

Luxembourg - Steinsel


Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Soloist: Yannchen Hoffmann mezzo-soprano
Conductor: Marcel Wengler

Concert given by the Luxembourg Sinfonietta with works by Luxembourg composers. The programme will also include works by Edward Grieg, Franz Schubert and “Boléro” by Maurice Ravel (arrangements for the Luxembourg Sinfonietta by Marcel Wengler)

22/23 June 2007

Luxembourg And Greater Region
European Capital of Culture 2007

Exchange-project between Sibiu and Luxembourg

The Luxembourg Sinfonietta will give two concerts devoted to the works of Luxembourg and Romanian composers in Sibiu. The Sibiu Stat Orchestra will inaugurate the 2007-2008 season at the Centre des Arts Pluriel d’Ettelbruck with compositions from Romania and Luxembourg.

22 June 2007

Philharmonie – Medias, Sala Traube


Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Soloist: Yannchen Hoffmann mezzo-soprano
Conductor: Marcel Wengler

première performances by Romanian and Luxembourg composers

23 June 2007

Philharmonie – Sibiu, Sala Thalia


Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Soloist: Yannchen Hoffmann mezzo-soprano
Conductor: Marcel Wengler

première performances by Romanian and Luxembourg composers

Ce projet est réalisé dans le cadre Luxembourg et Grande Région, Capitale européenne de la Culture 2007.

7 July 2007

ArcA - Bertrange


Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler

Concert given by the Luxembourg Sinfonietta with works by Luxembourg composers and the first performance of “Gestalten VI” written by the Korean composer Inho PARK.

8 July 2007

Mondorf-les-Bains - Alte Thermen


Unter der Schirmherrschaft des Botschafters der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Dr. Hubertus von Morr

Matinée - Konzert «Wort & Klang»
Uraufführung von Liedern nach Gedichten von Heinrich Heine und Anise Koltz

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Soloist: Byung-Lyul Lee soprano







Johann Hermann Schein


Suite in g-moll

Edward Grieg


Zur Rosenzeit
Letzter Frühling

Marcel Wengler


Pietre sonore
für Klangsteine und Ensemble

Pierre Even


Nach Gedichten von Anise Koltz (Uraufführung)

Béla Bartók


Tänze aus Transsilvanien

Kyu-Yung Chin


Die Heimkehr
Vertonung des Gedichtes von Heinrich Heine (Uraufführung)

Seungwoo Paik


Einst sah ich viele Blumen blühen
Vertonung des Gedichtes von Heinrich Heine (Uraufführung)



Gestalten VI

In cooperation with
Institut Pierre Werner
Centre national de littérature Mersch

2 August 2007

Centre Culturel Neumünster - Luxembourg


Conference held by Silvie Bodorova
“My experiences as a composer”

Silvie Bodorova, the best known Czech woman composer, whose reputation can be assessed from the fact that she has written both an oratorio (Juda Maccabaeus) and an instrumental concerto on commission from the Prague Spring Festival, will be in Luxembourg for the performance of one of her works which forms part of the INECC programme “Carmina Burana” from 3 to 5 August. She will be accompanied by her husband who is a major CD producer in the Czech Republic. Mrs Bodorova will talk briefly about her career as a composer, including the foreign influences on her style (notably from S. America), the position of women composers in general and her allegiance to a group of contemporary Czech composers.

In cooperation with Musicenterprise, Cid Femmes and the Club de Musique des Communautés européennes.

August 2007

International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2007      

Four finalists nominated

The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music has invited composers from all over the world to compose new works for its annual International Composition Prize. 152 composers from 38 countries participated in the competition, the countries being Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldavia, Norway, Poland, Republic of Cyprus, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the Netherlands, Ukraine, USA and Venezuela.

The international jury consisting of Xiaogang Ye (China), Jürgen Blume (Germany), John Casken (Great Britain), Klaus Ager (Austria) and Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg) has chosen four works to be played in the final concert of the International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2007.

The selected compositions will be performed on October 27, 2007 in a public concert at the Centre des Arts Pluriels in Ettelbruck, Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Sinfonietta, under the direction of Marcel Wengler will appear in the following composition: clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, horn, tuba, 2 violins, viola, cello, doublebass, mandolin, accordion, percussion and piano.

The works of the following four composers have been chosen for the final concert:
(in alphabetical order)

Nicholas CASSWELL (Great Britain) Triplicity
Gordon HAMILTON (Australia) Sinfonietta-Concertante
Akihiro KANO (Japan) The Fith Station
Robert LEMAY (Canada) Mare Tranquilitatis III


Akihiro KANO
Robert LEMAY

11 September 2007

Saarländischer Rundfunk - Germany


SR 2 Kultur Radio
Mouvement “Grenzenlos”
Mitschnitt des Konzertes vom 4. Mai 2007 in der Hochschule für Musik Saar

Luxembourg Sinfonietta


Inci Yakar piano

Maurizio Spiridigliozzi accordion

Conductor: Marcel Wengler






François Bousch


William Attwood


En Frente

Jürgen Blume



Natalya Chepelyuk



Arne Gieshoff



Luc Rollinger



Benoît Stasiaczyk



22 September 2007

Luxembourg And Greater Region
European Capital of Culture 2007

Exchange-project between Sibiu and Luxembourg

The Luxembourg Sinfonietta has given two concerts devoted to the works of Luxembourg and Romanian composers in Sibiu. The State Philharmonic Orchestra of Sibiu will inaugurate the 2007-2008 season at the Centre des Arts Pluriel d’Ettelbruck with works written by Romanian and Luxembourg composers.

22 September 2007

Centre des Arts Pluriel Ettelbruck


State Philharmonic Orchestra of Sibiu
Conductor: Theo Wolters
Soloist: Alina Bercu piano

Alina Bercu Theo Wolters







Norbert Hoffmann


Trois Élégies

René Hemmer


Le dernier jugement

Henri Pensis


Summer evening

Jos Kinzé


Concertino for piano and orchestra

George Enescu


Rhapsodie No 1

Ludwig van Beethoven


Concerto for piano No 5

Supported by DEXIA Private Banking Luxembourg

Ce projet est réalisé dans le cadre Luxembourg et Grande Région, Capitale européenne de la Culture 2007.

Reservation: Centre des Arts Pluriels       e-mail:

Es gibt sie: die Luxemburger Klassiker
Herrliches Konzert des Philharmonischen Orchesters Sibiu

Werke von vier Luxemburger Symphonikern als Konzertangebot! Warum muss gerade ein rumänisches Orchester unter einem niederländischen Dirigenten von weither anreisen, um uns mit einem solchen Programm zu beglücken? Lassen wir die Antwort offen. Es bleibt die Tatsache: Seit langem haben wir in einem einheimischen Konzert kein so überzeugendes Plädoyer für die „alten“ Luxemburger Klassiker erlebt als am Samstag im CAPe. Ein exzellentes Orchester in klassischer Besetzung – optimal bei den akustischen Bedingungen des Saales – ein gewissenhafter, mitreißender Dirigent, eine hochtalentierte Solistin, die erwähnten vier Luxemburger Werke – quasi in Erstaufführung – dazu Enescu und Beethoven! Wir sind begeistert von Programm und Ausführung.

Beim offiziellen Empfang gibt Marcel Wengler eine kurze Einführung in die neuesten Tätigkeiten der LGNM: Endlich die Drucklegung von Partituren Luxemburger Komponisten. Nur so haben diese Werke eine Chance, auch im Ausland aufgeführt zu werden. ...

Loll Weber – Luxemburger Wort

28 September 2007

Philharmonie Luxembourg – Grand Auditorium


Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg
Conductor: Dorian Wilson
Soloist: Sandrine Cantoreggi violin




Walter Civitareale


Concerto No 2 for violin and orchestra

27 October 2007

Centre des Arts Pluriel Ettelbruck


Final Concert
International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2007

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Soloist: Noe Colin Arvizu bass baritone







Nicholas Casswell



Gordon Hamilton



Akihiro Kano


The Fifth Station

Robert Lemay


Mare Tranquilitatis III




Gustav Mahler


Lieder einer fahrenden Gesellen
new orchestration for the Luxembourg Sinfonietta by Marcel Wengler

Reservation: Centre des Arts Pluriels      e-mail:


1. Prize: Nicholas Casswell (Great Britain)
2. Prize: Robert Lemay (Canada)
3. Prize: Akihiro Kano (Japan)
4. Prize: Gordon Hamilton (Australia)

A Special Prize was awarded by the audience to Nicholas Casswell.

Nicholas Casswell was awarded a number of scholarships including a British Governmental scholarship and a Short-Term Fellowship at School of Oriental and African Studies, London. In 2000, Papillon, for string quartet, won the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society’s Millennium Music Award. This composition was performed at the 2001 Gaudeamus Music Week and was later broadcast on Dutch radio. With the first movement of The Transformation and Other Stories he was selected most promising composer at the 7th International Young Composers Meeting in Apeldoorn, led by Louis Andriessen. Temporal Trajectories for percussion quartet was awarded second prize at the 2nd Jurgenson International Young Composers Competition, Moscow, in 2003. Nicholas Casswell is currently Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Performing Arts at UCLAN, Preston.

Robert Lemay holds a doctorate degree in composition from the Université de Montréal and a master's degree from Université Laval. He studied at the State University of New York at Buffalo. In France, he worked with François Rosse in Bordeaux and Georges Aspergis at the ATEM in Paris. Among recent honour is the second prize from the Kazimierz Serocki 10th International Composers' Competition 2006, a prestigious international orchestra contest in Poland organized by the Polish Society for Contemporary Music. Robert Lemay has composed many works, and his music has been performed in Canada, the United States, Japan, Europe as well as in Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela. By 2006, his music has been released commercially on six different CDs. Robert Lemay teaches theory, form and analysis, and composition at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario.

Akihiro Kano studied conducting at the Tokyo College of Music. After completing his degree in 1980, he served as assistant conductor at the Tokyo Opera until 1984. Kano went on to work as assistant conductor and chorus master at the Japan Opera Foundation (Fujiwara Opera) until 1987, and subsequently as assistant conductor and chorus master at the Tokyo Nikikai Opera Theatre from 1992 to 1997. In 2007, Il Ferro, non si crea ancora, sinfonia senza numero di lavoro, was awarded the Encouragement Prize of the 29th Composition Competition for Orchestra, sponsored by the Japan Symphony Foundation and was premiered by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Kazuhiko Komatsu. Akihiro Kano is currently a lecturer in conducting at the Tokyo College of Music.

Gordon Hamilton was born in 1982 in Newcastle, Australia, and now lives in Germany. He studied in Australia at the University of Newcastle Conservatorium from 2000-2004, majoring in composition and piano. His Dirt City (2003), was premiered at the International Choral Festival in Taiwan in 2004. Also in 2004 Gordon Hamilton conducted the premiere of the opera The Impossible Body, by Katrina Pring, for which he and Pring received a City of Newcastle Dramatic Award. In January 2006 Gordon Hamilton founded Northern Spirit, a young vocal ensemble dedicated to contemporary music. In May 2007 he received first prize in the 2007 Coral Gables Congregational Church ‘Afro-Hispanic Diaspora’ composition competition, with his work for string orchestra Reggaeton (2006).

8 November 2007

Luxembourg And Greater Region
European Capital of Culture 2007

Project “Exilland Luxemburg”

An exhibition in conjunction with an educational programme, bearing witness to the lives of Jewish exiles and the fear experienced by artists in Luxembourg during the 1930s. Visitors will find a variety of testimonies, including the journal of Hugo Heuman, director of the Jewish old people’s home in Cinqfontaines until he was desported, and “Kinnhaken”, written by Karl Schnog, a deeply moving document which has been used for teaching purpose. A research conference organised jointly with the “Gesellschaft für Exilforschung” will examine the role of women in the world of theatre in the period, including the part played by “Komödie”, which was the organiser of the first Echternach festival and is the first and thus far the only professional theatre troupe in Luxembourg.

8 November 2007

Centre national de littérature Mersch

Soloists of the Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Nadine Eder flute
Guy Goethals saxophone
Zénon Bialas piano
Vania Lecuit violon
Judith Lecuit cello







Jean-Sébastien Heumann



Gideon Klein



Leo Smit


Sonate für Flöte und Klavier

Hans Krása


Passacaglia und Fuge
für Streichtrio

Erwin Schulhoff


Sonate für Flöte und Klavier
für Alt-Saxophon und Klavier

Ce projet est réalisé dans le cadre Luxembourg et Grande Région, Capitale européenne de la Culture 2007.

Centre national de littérature Mersch     

23 November 2007

Philharmonie – Grand Auditorium


Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg
Conductor: Arturo Tamayo




Marcel Reuter


A branded Moon

23 November to
2 December 2007

ISCM World Music Days 2007–Hong Kong

General Assembly of the
International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM)

The 2007 ISCM World Music Days Festival will put together the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) and the Asian Composers League (ACL) in Hong Kong for a 10-day mega event. To combine the ISCM and ACL festivals in one single event in November 2007 will bring the world of music creativity to Hong Kong and Macau. The Festival “Music & Beyond” will present no less than 24 concerts to showcase the 150 or so compositions from over 50 countries. In addition, educational seminars and symposiums will also be organized.

26 November 2007

Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall


ACL Young Composers’ Award Concert
Luxembourg Sinfonietta

Conductor: Marcel Wengler







Lorenzo Alvaro


Out With No Fear

Amit Gilutz


These Autumn Days…

Samuel Holloway



Dominic Garcia Quejada


Movement as Stasis

Janet Jie-ru Chen


Isolated Islands

Siraseth Pantura-umporn



Lam Kwan-fai


City Instinct

Han Byoel Choi



Seung Jae Chung


Turning Point

In the high class performances of the two European ensembles, the Luxembourg Sinfonietta under Marcel Wengler and the Dutch group “Insomnio” under Ulrich Pohl, given at the Hong Kong City Hall, most pieces were of European origin. Each group gave two concerts, but since the Luxembourg Sinfonietta presented the Young Composers Competition Award, there were three programmes in which we had the chance to sample an informative cross-section of present-day, mostly European creation. Very important and commendable, were the high performing levels of both groups. This was proven by audience reception through the warm applause that followed some very difficult pieces.

Music and Beyond by
Konstantinos Lignos

28 November 2007

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Luxembourg Sinfonietta

Conductor: Marcel Wengler







Dusan Bavdek



François Bousch



Nicholas Casswell



Ondrej Stochl



Scott McLaughlin



Maurizio Spriridigliozzi



Marcel Wengler


Hop-Frog’s Revenge

Dan Yuhas


Coloured Lines

Again two concerts were run in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The first was the Luxembourg Sinfonietta under Marcel Wengler, with an all European programme. One felt the aesthetic of Mr. Wengler’s own music had also steered the programming to some extent: François Bousch’s “Dragon” and Maurizio Spiridigliozzi’s “Tarot” reflected, at least in places, the darkly witty side of Wengler’s own “Hop-Frog’s Revenge” even though the mechanics of each piece were highliy distinct. Apart from that there was a french flavour not only to Bousch’s work but also from the very effective piece from Ireland: Scott McLaughlin’s “Penumbra”, which while scored graphically results in a sound-world resembling this composer’s more determined scores which are quite spectral in character. The programme included pieces from Dan Yuhas (Israel) and Dusan Bavdek (Slovenia) that also fitted in to the general accessibility of the programme.

Music and Beyond by
John McLachlan

Activities 2008

New release

« Kleine Lustspielouvertüre » - Jos Kinzé

17 January 2008

Luxembourg - Steinsel


Luxembourg Sinfonietta

Conductor: Marcel Wengler

Yannchen Hoffmann mezzo-soprano









Ouverture “Mumm Séis”

Marcel Wengler


Musik für Klangsteine und Orchester

Louis Beicht


D’Joffer Marie Madeleine

Jacques Offenbach


Die Herzogin von Gerolstein

Gustav Mahler


Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
Die zwei blauen Augen

Luc Rollinger



Edward Grieg


Zur Rosenzeit
Letzter Frühling
Béla Bartok


Tänze aus Transsilvanien

18 January 2008

Conservatoire de Musique - Luxembourg


L’Histoire du Tango

Oeuvres de Igor Stravinsky, Maurizio Spiridigliozzi, Pierre Even, Reiner Stutz, Marcel Wengler, Jacob Gade et Astor Piazzolla

Luxembourg Sinfonietta

Conductor: Marcel Wengler

Yannchen Hoffmann mezzo-soprano

Supported by IBM

25 January 2008

IAMIC Winter Meeting - Nice

Annual winter meeting of the IAMIC
International Association of Music Information Centres

27-31 January 2008

MIDEM 2007 - Cannes

The Luxembourg Music Information Centre at the MIDEM 2008

1 February 2008

International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2008

Deadline for Entries:   1 July 2008

Composers of any age or nationality are invited to present new compositions for the ensemble Luxembourg Sinfonietta.

More information in English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese


2 February 2008

Theo Brandmüller's 60th Anniversary

New release of the CD Portrait Theo Brandmüller
A co-production with the “Saarländischer Rundfunk”.

Theo Brandmüller


Löwe leih mir deine Stimme
Assaf Levitin Bariton
Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Leitung: Marcel Wengler

Theo Brandmüller


3. Klanggesang für Chor mit Soli, zwei Klaviere und Schlagzeug
Monika Meier-Schmid Sopran
KammerChor Saarbrücken
Thomas Layes und Lutz Gillmann Klavier
Dirk Rothbrust Schlagzeug
Leitung: Georg Grün

Theo Brandmüller


Norge – Bergresonanzen mit Hirtenrufen
Theo Brandmüller an der Mayer-Orgel der Basilika St. Johann, Saarbrücken

Theo Brandmüller


Ach, trauriger Mond
(Klage um Federico Garcia Lorca)
für Schlagzeug-Solo und Streicher
Michael Gärtner Schlagzeug
Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Saarbrücken
Leitung: Günther Herbig

14 February 2008

Philharmonie Luxembourg  Espace Découverte


“Concert Hommage” Luxembourg Composers
René Hemmer and Jeannot Heinen

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler







René Hemmer




Chaine de sons




Six monologues rythmiques







Jeannot Heinen


4 Miniatures




In Sachen Mithras


Jeux II



Reservation: Philharmonie

René Hemmer
Jeannot Heinen

New release
« Portrait - CD » - Carsten Hennig

Prize Winner
International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2002

ausflug nach sing-sing            11:30

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler

18 avril 2008
Eglise de Niederwiltz - Luxembourg 20.00

Olivier Messiaen (1908 – 1992)
Intégrale de l’oeuvre d’orgue

François Espinasse organ


Olivier Messiaen


Prélude pour orgue,
Le Banquet céleste,

In cooperation with
“Les Amis de l’Orgue Luxembourg”


François Espinasse

4 May 2008
Mierscher Kulturhaus - Luxembourg 11.00

Concert Apero
Oeuvres de compositeurs luxembourgeois

Luxembourg Sinfonietta







Jeannot Heinen


4 Miniatures pour violon et piano

René Hemmer


Skizze für Violine und Klavier

Jules Krüger


Mélancolie pour violoncelle et piano

Jeannot Heinen


Hommage à Bach pour violon et piano

Johny Fritz


Rhapsodie pour clarinette basse et piano

Klaus Krumlovsky


Sonate pour flûte et piano

René Hemmer


Six monologues rythmiques

Jeannot Heinen


Jeux II

Marcel Wengler


Peärls Quartet
flûte, violon, violoncelle, piano

Mierscher Kulturhaus


Tel.: 26 32 43 1

9-16 May 2008
International Contemporary Music Festival - Slovenia 2008  

Unicum International Festival 2008
“A View Across Europe”
The International Unicum Contemporary Music Festival continues the tradition of the Musica Danubiana festival, which the Slovenian section of the ISCM (International Society for Contemporary Music) first organised in 1998. Because Slovenia serves as the president of the European Union during the first half of 2008, and also because the festival should sample and incorporate European composers, we devised a programme which features new, recent or unplayed works by European composers. …

Pavel Mihelcic, Artistic Director

12 May 2008

KOS Chamber Orchestra
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Soloists: Oksana Peceny violin
Tomaz Rajteric guitar


Urska Oresic

Divertimento Spaziale

Uros Rojko


Brina Zupancic

Scènes de Ballet

Jani Golob

Concertante Episodes
for violin and chamber orchestra

Ruben Seroussi

Diferencias II
for guitar and chamber orchestra

Marcel Wengler

Hop Frog’s Revenge
for chamber orchestra

5 June 2008
Basilique d’Echternach - Luxembourg 20.30

Olivier Messiaen (1908 – 1992)
Intégrale de l’oeuvre d’orgue

Almut Rössler organ




Olivier Messiaen


Les Corps glorieux,
Messe de la Pentecôte

In cooperation with
“Les Amis de l’Orgue Luxembourg”


Almut Rössler

12 June 2008
Philharmonie – Sibiu, Sala Thalia 19.00

State Philharmonic Orchestra of Sibiu
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Soloist: Mihai Ungureanu piano


Jos Kinzé

Kleine Lustspielouverture

Edward Elgar

Serenade for strings op. 20

Manuel de Falla

Nuits dans les jardins d’Espagne

Marcel Wengler

Interlude for orchestra

Aram Khatchaturian


August 2008
International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2008      

Six finalists nominated

The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music has invited composers from all over the world to compose new works for its annual International Composition Prize.

The international jury consisting of François Bousch (France), Wing Wah Chan (Hong Kong), Cord Meijering (Netherlands), Wu Wei (China) and Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg) has chosen six works to be played in the final concert of the International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2008.

The selected compositions will be performed on October 18, 2008 in a public concert at the Centre des Arts Pluriels in Ettelbruck, Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Sinfonietta, under the direction of Marcel Wengler will appear in the following composition: clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, horn, tuba, violin, viola, cello, percussion, piano and sheng.

The works of the following six composers have been chosen for the final concert:

(in alphabetical order)

Kee Yong CHONG (Malaysia) 
Lan-chee LAM (Canada)
Huang RUO (USA)
Lok-Yin TANG (Hong-Kong)  
Xiaozhong YANG (China)
Stephen YIP (China) 

Phoenix calling
Threnody for the Earth
It is What it is!
Horsetail Whisk II
Six Paths

Kee Yong CHONG

Lan-chee LAM

Huang RUO

Stephen YIP

Xiaozhong YANG

Lok-Yin TANG

8-13 September
IAMIC Annual Conference - Wales

Annual conference of the IAMIC
International Association of Music Information Centres
Organized by the Welsh Music Information Centre

26 September
Eglise Saint-Joseph d’Esch / Alzette - Luxembourg 20.00

Olivier Messiaen (1908 – 1992)
Intégrale de l’oeuvre d’orgue

Hans-Ola Ericsson organ




Olivier Messiaen


Méditations sur le Mystère de la Sainte Trinité

In cooperation with
“Les Amis de l’Orgue Luxembourg”


Hans-Ola Ericsson

10 October 2008
Conservatoire de Musique - Luxembourg 20.00

Soirée anniversaire pour les 20 ans du
CRP Henri Tudor

Rétrospective Musicale sur les 20 ans du
CRP Henri Tudor et concert
Oeuvres de Benoît Stasiaczyk, Béla Bartók, Jürgen Blume, Maurizio Spiridigliozzi, Richard Tsang and
Jos Kinzé, Edward Grieg, Julio C. Sanders, Marcel Wengler, Jacob Gade et Astor Piazzolla

Arrangements et orchestration: Marcel Wengler

Luxembourg Sinfonietta

Conductor: Marcel Wengler

Yannchen Hoffmann mezzo-soprano

12 October 2008
Berne - Switzerland 17.00

Festival «La Scène pour la Seine»

Ce festival, avec l’aide de l’Ambassade de France et l’Ambassade du Luxembourg présente dans le cadre de ses activités francophones l’ensemble «Céflor» à Berne.
L’ensemble «Céflor», réunissant dix-huit artistes musiciens de la Lorraine, réalise une tournée avec, entre-autres, un concert à l’Auditorium St. Germain à Paris, dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec le Conseil Départemental pour la Musique et la Culture du Haut-Rhin, en nous emmenant, avec la complicité de Philippe Dubos, metteur en scène, dans un voyage insolite, ponctué de rires et de chuchotements, pour nous révéler des œuvres de compositeurs contemporains luxembourgeois, suisse et français.
Ce projet s’inscrit dans les missions interrégionales et transfrontalières du Cefedem de Lorraine. François Bousch, directeur artistique du projet dirigera l’ensemble «Céflor». Le programme autour de la création de l’œuvre de Roger Tessier (France) comporte en outre des pièces de Michel Decoust (France), François Bousch (France), Marcel Wengler (Luxembourg) et Jean-Luc Darbellay (Suisse).

Ensemble Céflor

Conductor: François Bousch

Estelle Dussort soprano
Sandrine Stöhr soprano
Cécile Foltzer soprano




Marcel Wengler

Jean-Luc Darbellay
Michel Decoust
Marcel Wengler

Jean-Luc Darbellay

François Bousch

Jean-Luc Darbellay
Marcel Wengler
Michel Decoust
François Bousch
Roger Tessier



Tu t’attardes à la terrasse
Dix aphorismes (1 à 5)
Tango argentin
Shadows for saxophone quartet and accordion
Dix aphorismes (6 à 10)
Der Adler
Reflets sur le lac de Garde
Face au vent
Rires et chuchotements
Création mondiale
Mélodrame pour 18 musiciens, chanteurs, souffleurs, crieurs, et …rieurs! en 1 prologue et cinq scènes qui s’enchaînent

18 October 2008
Centre des Arts Pluriel Ettelbruck 20.00

Final Concert
International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2008

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Soloist: Wu Wei Sheng

Kee Yong Chong
Lan-chee Lam
Huang Ruo
Lok-Yin Tang
Xiaozhong Yang
Stephen Yip
Phoenix calling
Threnody for the Earth
It is What it is !
Horsetail Whisk II
Six Paths

Reservation: Centre des Arts Pluriels e-mail:


1. Prize: Ruo Huang (USA)
2. Prize: Lan-chee Lam (Canada)
3. Prize: Kee Yong Chong (Malaysia)
4. Prize: Xiaozhong Yang (China)

A Special Prize was awarded by the audience to Ruo Huang.

Ruo Huang was born in Hainan Island in 1976. His father, who is a well-known composer in China, started teaching him composition and piano when he was six years old. He received both traditional and western education at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where he was admitted into the composition program studying with Deng Erbo when he turned 12. After winning the Henry Mancini Award at the 1995 International Film and Music Festival in Switzerland, he moved to the United States for further education. Since then, he has obtained a BM degree from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music as well as a MM degree from the Juilliard School. He is working with Samuel Adler at the Juilliard School to obtain a Doctorate of Musical Art in Composition. Huang Ruo is currently a composition faculty member of the SUNY Purchase and a member of the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP).

Lan-chee Lam was born in Hong Kong. She studied composition and graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with high honor. Her music often combines Chinese tradition and contemporary techniques, exploring new dimensions of the sound world. She is now pursuing her doctoral degree in composition at the University of Toronto, under the supervision of Prof. Ka Nin Chan. She has received numerous awards and was the winner of the  2004 Academic Creativity Award, Doming Lam Composition Prizes in the 56th School Music Festival and 2007 Choral Composition Competition held at the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto. She actively participates in the workshops organized by the Ensemble contemporain de Montreal, Aventa Ensemble and St. Lawrence Quartet.

Born in Kluang in southern Malaysia, he completed his Bachelor of Arts at the Xian Conservatory (China) with Prof. Yu-Yan Rao and Prof. Da-Long Zhang, and received his Master of Composition with Highest Honours at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Brussels with Prof. Jan Van Landeghem and Prof. Daniel Capelletti. He has also attended master classes by Brian Ferneyhough, Daan Manneke, Zoltan Janey, Peter Eötvös, Salvatore Sciarrino, Henri Pousseur and Hanspeter Kyburz. Kee Yong Chong has been awarded numerous prizes such as the 4th International Andrzej Panufnik Competition for Young Composers in Poland (2002), the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra International Composers' Award (2004), 2nd Lepo Sumera International young composer prize (2006), Lutoslawski award (2006) and BMW award in the International Isang Yun Music Prize (2007).

Xiaozhong Yang, associate professor of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music and the director of the section for composition, teaching and research section, has been active in musical circles in China since 1990s; it was he who created “the compositional technique of non-linear regression”. He was rewarded by the Science and Education Bureau of the National Cultural Ministry in 1995 and won the first prize of Sichuan higher education achievement in 2005. Xiaozhong Yang was also invited to take part in many great musical festivals both home and abroad, and awarded many prizes for his works in composition competitions. His composition Asking Word for Children’s Choir (1996) won the 3rd prize in the National TV Literature & Art Award of the State Administration of Radio Film and Television in 1998.

More information in English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Final Concert 2008

Wu Wei, Sheng solist

Finalists 2008

First Prize awarded by
Mrs Denise Weber-Ludwig
- Fondation Indépendence

Prize Winner 2008

Wu Wei - Ainhoa Achutegui

International Jury 2008

Cord Meijering - Huang Ruo


24 October
7 November 2008

ISCM World Music Days 2008 – Vilnius / Lithuania

General Assembly of the
International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM)

2-9 November 2008
Concert tour of the Luxembourg Sinfonietta in China

The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music has launched a new projet:

“Europe meets China” – Musical crossover through joint creation

Europe emerges through encounters. Only if we meet our partners can we have a genuine dialogue and come to understand them. Our project brings together musicians and institutions from European countries and musicians, composers and ensembles from various universities and conservatories throughout China.
We intend to intensively pursue and deepen a cultural and artistic dialogue that has been under way between the individual partners for several years now, and to include institutions in China.
The programme comprises concerts and other events in China and Europe, at which new works will be performed that have been composed and rehearsed in collaboration between the partners.

4 November 2008
Sichuan Conservatory of Music - Chengdu

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler

Concert given by the Luxembourg Sinfonietta with works by Jos Kinzé, Edward Grieg, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy, Richard Tsang, Ding Shan De, Marcel Wengler, Jacob Gade, Maurice Ravel as well as Chinese traditional songs orchestrated for the ensemble by Marcel Wengler

6 November 2008
Sichuan Conservatory of Music - Chengdu

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Hong Li soprano
Xiaoli Yang Guzheng


Benoît Stasiaczyk

Guo Long

Xiaozhong Yang

Changqun Ao

Xiao Hu

Arne Gieshoff

Immensity – world-première
Horsetail Whisk II
Mix II
Ancient Voice – world-première

8 November 2008
Concert Hall of the National Library - Beijing

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler

Concert given by the Luxembourg Sinfonietta with works by Jos Kinzé, Edward Grieg, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy, Richard Tsang, Ding Shan De, Marcel Wengler, Jacob Gade, Maurice Ravel as well as Chinese traditional songs orchestrated for the ensemble by Marcel Wengler

Marcel Wengler - Jacques Santer - Carlo Krieger

By courtesy of the Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to China, Mister Carlo Krieger

From 3 to 9 November 2008 the Luxembourg Sinfonietta visited China to give a number of guest performances. At the invitation of the “Sichuan Conservatory of Music”, the Luxembourg Sinfonietta first travelled to Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. Another port of call on its concert tour was Beijing, where the orchestra impressed the Chinese public in the large National Library Concert Hall.

The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, has broken new ground with its “Europe meets China” concert series. In this context, the Luxembourg Sinfonietta performed some very successful concerts in Hong Kong last year as part of the “World Music Days 2007” event, during which it gave world premières of 18 new compositions.

The “International Composition Prize” organised annually by the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music was this year also focused on China. Composers were invited to present works written for the sheng, the Chinese mouth organ, an instrument dating back more than 3,000 years. On 18 October 2008 the Luxembourg Sinfonietta gave world premières of six compositions with renowned sheng soloist Wu Wei in the final concert of the International Composition Prize.

The “Sichuan Conservatory of Music” in Chengdu, a city of 5 million inhabitants, is one of China’s most important cultural institutions, alongside the Conservatories of Music in Beijing and Shanghai. More than 20,000 students study and live in a huge complex comprising practice rooms, studios and lecture theatres. Around 150 students are enrolled for the composition classes alone.

The first concert by the Luxembourg Sinfonietta, conducted by Marcel Wengler, was given on 4 November 2008 to a packed house in the large concert hall of the “Sichuan Conservatory of Music” in Chengdu. Besides classical works by Edward Grieg, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel, the programme included the world première of “Temple Rituals” by Chinese composer Richard Tsang, the concert overture “Vendredi treize” by Luxembourg composer Jos Kinzé as well as Marcel Wengler’s “The Magic Boat”, in a version for a small orchestra. For this concert Wengler had specially orchestrated three traditional melodies that are very well known in China.

As preparation for the second concert, a workshop was held with the professors, composers, soloists and students on 5 and 6 November, during which the world premières of the Chinese compositions “Ancient Voice” by Hu Xiao and “Immensity” by Guo Long were rehearsed.

For this concert Hu Xiao had composed the work “Ancient Voice”, based on the classic Chinese poem “A Fair Maiden”, for soprano and ensemble. This poem, which dates from between the 11th and 6th century BC, is regarded as the source of Chinese poetry. Soprano Hong Li interpreted the vocal part in Chinese. Guo Long – who has already received numerous awards for his works – wrote “Immensity” for the Luxembourg Sinfonietta. Young soloist Xiaoli Yang performed the guzheng solo section. With “Mix II” by Changqun Ao and “Horsetail Whisk” by Xiaozhong Yang, winners of the “International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2008”, the Luxembourg Sinfonietta made further Chinese compositions the centrepiece of the concert. The works “Wen” by French composer Benoît Stasiaczyk and “Nachtreise” by Germany’s Arne Gieshoff opened and closed the concert programme respectively.

On 8 November 2008 the Luxembourg Sinfonietta guested in front of a full house of more than a thousand people in the National Library Concert Hall in Beijing. In the presence of Luxembourg’s Honorary Minister of State Jacques Santer and Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to China Carlo Krieger, the patron of this special event, the Luxembourg Sinfonietta performed a number of key European works as well as traditional Chinese works. The Luxembourg Sinfonietta’s extraordinary orchestration and the programme arrangement won over what is usually a rather critical and restrained Beijing audience. The standing ovations and calls for four encores are testament to the outstanding success of the event.

On the evening before the concert in Beijing the event’s organisers had invited the orchestra to a Chinese banquet, during which gifts were exchanged and the parties agreed to strengthen their relationship. In addition to the concerts, the musicians of the Luxembourg Sinfonietta also had the opportunity to visit some outstanding places of cultural interest in China, including the “Forbidden City” and the “Temple of Heaven” in Beijing and monasteries in Sichuan province. With this concert tour the Luxembourg Sinfonietta has made an important contribution to the cultural exchange between China and Luxembourg.

10 November 2008

Philharmonie Luxembourg – Salle de Musique de Chambre


Concert à l’occasion du 25e anniversaire de la
«Lëtzebuerger Gesellschaft fir Nei Musek» - LGNM

Luxembourg Sinfonietta
Conductor: Marcel Wengler
Soloists: Mariette Lentz soprano, Paul Kayser organ




Jos Kinzé
Claude Debussy
Xiaozhong Yang
Richard Tsang
Changqun Ao
Xiao Hu
Arne Gieshoff
Olivier Messiaen


Vendredi treize
Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune
Horsetail Whisk II
Temple Rituals
Mix II
Ancient Voice
Dieu parmi nous

Supported by the Philharmonie Luxembourg

Reservation: Philharmonie e-mail:

15 November 2008

Eglise paroissiale d’Ettelbruck - Luxembourg


Olivier Messiaen (1908 – 1992)
Intégrale de l’oeuvre d’orgue

Loic Mallié organ




Olivier Messiaen


Le Livre du Saint-Sacrement

In cooperation with
“Les Amis de l’Orgue Luxembourg”


Loic Mallié

28 November 2008

Bâtiment INECC - Luxembourg

Réunion d’information
“Martinu Revisited”

Concerts & projets apparentés au Luxembourg 2009 - 2010

Cette désignation peut être appliquée, au niveau mondial, à chaque programme de concert comportant une ou plusieurs œuvres du compositeur tchèque Bohuslav Martinu donnée(s) entre décembre 2008 et décembre 2010.

Le projet sera réalisé au Luxembourg sous l’égide de la Lëtzebuerger Gesellschaft fir Nei Musek
(LGNM), avec la collaboration de MusicEnterprise et du Club de Musique des Institutions européennes.

19 December 2008

Cathédrale de Luxembourg


Olivier Messiaen (1908 – 1992)
Intégrale de l’oeuvre d’orgue

Olivier Latry organ




Olivier Messiaen


Apparition de l’Eglise Eternelle, Nativité du Seigneur

In cooperation with
“Les Amis de l’Orgue Luxembourg”


Olivier Latry

LGNM activities are financially supported by the Government Culture Department, Luxembourg
This site is copyrighted © 1997-2010 by LGNM - Lëtzebuerger Gesellschaft fir Nei Musek a.s.b.l.